How to Write an Introduction Email: 5 Steps To Write An Introductory Email (With Examples)

June 27, 2023
Business Development

You know what they say; first impressions matter. Your first email between you and your prospect is important. Because it’s your first initial contact, you want to ensure you are saying the right things to start a conversation between you and the recipient. Your introduction email will allow you to present yourself correctly and engage companies in learning more about your offerings. Here are the components of what we feel makes a perfect intro email.

How to write an intro email

‍1. Write An Engaging Subject Line To Your Introduction Email

When writing the subject line, the goal is to persuade your target to open your email. You want them to be curious about what you might be offering in the email. Most likely, the message you are sending is to someone you don’t know so there’s no guarantee they’ll read your emails unless it grabs their attention.

Here are a few tips to follow when it comes to choosing your subject line:

  • Keep it to four words or less
  • Personalize where you can
  • Ask yourself, “Would I open this?”

2. Make the First Email Line About Them

The opening line sets the tone for your introduction email. The first line is where you try to establish relevance. You want the recipient on the other end to be engaged so that they have a reason to keep reading.

When writing your email, you probably think you should say something about yourself, such as “ My name is X, and I’m reaching out to you because…”

This can become something they skip because it isn't relevant to them. No need to give them your name. They will be able to see your email and full name. You are a stranger to them, so there’s no need to highlight that. Instead, you should lead with something about them. Quickly establish a business case for them to continue reading and take action.

3. Explain Why You're Reaching Out Via Email

Now that you've gauged their interest, it's time to connect the dots. Explain to them why you are reaching out. The key is making your explanation as relevant to your recipient as possible.

A good way of doing that is by making sure you have knowledge of your target’s industry and their business model. If you make it clear you understand their goals, the recipient will feel as if you personally reached out to them.

You want them to feel special instead of them feeling like one person on a list of 100 that you’re emailing. Everyone loves to feel special. Show that you respect their time and give them the dialogue they deserve.

4. Provide Value In your Introductory Email

Now that you’ve explained why you are reaching out to your target, you must express what you bring. You must provide your value before you ask to get on a call. If you are looking to get your target on the call, the first thing they think is “Why should I talk to you?”

Highlighting the benefits of your offering makes people want to learn more. When people receive value, it makes them want to return the favor. Highlight the features of your product that are an ideal solution for your target's problems. It doesn’t make sense to pitch the tools that they won’t use.

Focus on the best possible ways to provide for them and put that in your email. You can write out small sentences or list them in bullet form so that your email looks less wordy. You could also use this opportunity to highlight why your product or service is better to use than your competitors. You want to make it as if your company is the leading industry expert in your target market.

5. Include a Call to Action In Your Email Introduction

The final piece of the email is the call-to-action (CTA). A call to action is where you are asking your recipient to take a specific action. You’ll typically find this at the end of an email. CTA’s vary depending on the type of email you are sending.

After you’ve provided them with valuable information and shown that you took the time to reach out to them, your target must then take the time to get back to you and let you know if they are interested. One way to introduce yourself in a professional email is to start your email with a compliment. Here's an example:

"I really enjoyed your blog post on <topic> – we will start implementing the advice already this week."

Or, try to remove as much friction from your task as possible; ask one simple question in your greeting.

Here are some sample lines:

"I would love to connect with you for an introduction. Are you the best person for this, or would someone else make more sense?"

"Are you open to answering a few questions about your experience working at X? Happy to chat over the phone or email, whatever's more convenient."

Try to strike a balance between politeness and confidence. Because you're reaching out to a stranger, try not to ask for something unreasonable or excessive. You won't hurt your chances of a "yes" by sounding insecure.

Good luck!


In conclusion, mastering the art of writing an effective introductory email is a valuable skill that can open doors to new business opportunities. By following the tips and guidelines provided in this blog, you can craft compelling emails that capture the attention of your prospects and pave the way for meaningful conversations.

However, we understand that cold outreach and establishing B2B relationships can be challenging, especially regarding lead generation and appointment setting. That's where Key Outreach comes in. With a team of sales professionals who are experts in the field, Key Outreach can take your outreach efforts to the next level.

Whether you're a small startup or a large corporation, Key Outreach understands the intricacies of B2B relationships and the importance of generating quality leads. They have the knowledge, experience, and tools to navigate the complexities of cold outreach and ensure that your introductory emails are well-written and impactful.

Key Outreach's dedication to understanding your target market, tailoring its approach to your unique needs, and delivering exceptional results sets them apart. Their expertise in lead generation and appointment setting can help you achieve your business goals, whether it's expanding your client base, increasing revenue, or accelerating growth.

So, if you want to leverage the power of cold outreach to establish and grow B2B relationships, Key Outreach is the partner you need. Trust their team of sales professionals to optimize your outreach strategy, enhance your lead generation efforts, and set quality appointments that fuel your business success.

Take the next step and unlock the full potential of your introductory emails with Key Outreach. Your journey toward building fruitful B2B relationships starts here.

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